Day School

Williams Bridge Academy’s day program is designed for students who have learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, difficulties with language, and nonverbal learning disabilities.

While every student has a program thoughtfully designed for his or her academic and social needs, a “typical” day at WBA may look like this:

8:30am Students arrive
8:30-8:45am Homeroom
8:45am Science
9:30am Math
10:30am English
11:30pm  Lunch and Recess
12:00pm  Literacy Lab
1:00pm Art
2:00pm Social Studies
2:45pm Homeroom
3:00pm Dismissal
3:00pm-4:00pm Afterschool program (Optional)


Students prepare for their day in a Homeroom class, which includes an opportunity to discuss and rate problems, in order to get beyond annoyances, to apply problem solving, and to start the day fresh. Teachers and students discuss the issues of the day, work on organization skills, and share academic and social concerns. This time creates daily interaction between teachers and students, and homeroom teachers serve as their students’ advocates in staff meetings and at parent conferences.


Students at WBA bring their own lunch, which should be kept in a hot/cold container. (Except for Tuesdays when students can buy pizza!) Lower School students eat in the Gym and Upper School students in the Commons area. After lunch, students have some time to go outside for recess and physical activity. Snack times vary, but students are also encouraged to bring a snack.


Our students come from many towns in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Maine. WBA does not provide transportation for students to and from school, so the transportation of students varies. Some families choose to drive their children, while others use a bus service. If a school district places a student at WBA, then that district is responsible for organizing and financing transportation. We can facilitate a connection with the local bus services for parents who privately place their child at WBA.


LSA believes in the value of appropriate homework to enrich the learning experience through skills practice and rehearsal of knowledge. For many families, homework used to be synonymous with misery, so our first goal is to eliminate that association. Teachers will give assignments that are individualized to match a student’s achievement level and stamina. Some students will have more homework, and some will have less, depending on the student’s capacity. Students should usually be able to do their homework on their own, and the responsibility placed on the student increases over the years.

School Calendar

If you would like to see our current academic calendar, please follow the link below.

Academic Calendar 2023-2024

Academic Calendar 2024-25

WBA Academic Calendar 2024-25