Student Life

At WBA, students not only find a community of academic peers – they find friends. Students that may have been frustrated by school, or felt bullied or undervalued because of their differences, feel at home here with other kids who are “just like them.”

Family fun

WBA is a tight-knit community of educators, students, and families. The Cooperative Council, made up of volunteer parents, helps organize various school events, including the Annual Harvest Dinner, Alumni Dinner, and Back-to-School picnic. The WBA staff also plans activities throughout the year to keep parents connected and to showcase student work. Families are always welcome to visit and get involved!

After the bell

In addition to after-school programs that are customized to the interests and talents of students and staff, WBA offers many opportunities for all students to socialize at school and off-campus. Older students enjoy overnight excursions to places like the White Mountains, Cape Cod, even New York City. There are also several dances throughout the year, including a formal Prom for 8th-12th graders.

Life learning

We often bring in people from outside the WBA community to talk to students about a variety of real-world topics, such as caring for animals, digital safety, and CPR and First Aid. Juniors and seniors at the Upper School attend Transitions Class, where they learn and practice real-world work skills, such as how to prepare a resume, how to be interviewed, and how to make cold calls. Speakers from various careers come to the class to speak, and students will visit different job sites to observe. Many students even secure internships.

For students by students

The Student Council is made up of student-elected Upper School students who help plan and organize off-campus trips to the movies, bowling, or other social outings. They are also asked to represent the other students in planning larger events, or whenever the staff needs a student voice.

The Lower School government committee is less formal. Student representatives are usually chosen by election, and the students offer input on special events and topics of interest. To learn more about life at WBA from the perspective of students, read the WBA Student to Student Guide.